Oxford School of Photography

insights into photography

Daily Archives: December 3, 2010

Oxford School of Photography new courses for January

We now have the list of courses we have planned for the new year. These start in January and run through until early April. Another term will start in May. Here are the courses and dates

Understanding Your Digital SLR Camera 4 sessions 2 hours each, £80 4 start dates either Tuesday 25th January, Monday 7th March,  Saturday 12th March, Thursday 17th March.
Understanding Your Digital Compact Camera 4 sessions 2 hours each, £80 starts Tuesday 8th March
Introduction to Photoshop 6 sessions 2 hours each, £97 starts Monday 7th March
Composition In Photography – seeing pictures 4 sessions 2 hours each, £80 starts Thursday 3rd March
Portrait Photography 4 sessions 2 hours each, £80 starts Thursday 27th January
Black and White Digital Photography 4 sessions 2 hours each, £80 starts Wednesday 26th January
One Day DSLR Camera Course £90 4  dates either Saturday 29th January, Sunday 13th February,  Saturday 5th March, Sunday 3rd April

Vouchers are availabe to purchase for courses or 121 tuition for any amounts and can be used for payment towards courses or 121 tuition. We take card details over the phone and email a voucher for you to download and print, so minimum fuss. If you want to get a voucher just call.

These two images are by Hugh Fane who has recently completed our Composition course

Hugh FaneHugh Fane

25 Creative Uses of Shadow

The UK has leaden skies, snow on the ground and a very crisp bite to the air but somewhere out there the sun shines and there are shadows to be had to add design and patterns to your images. This tutorial from Light Stalking may inspire you to find some sun