Oxford School of Photography

insights into photography

50 Lessons for Stronger Photographs – The Visual Toolbox

Another book from Craft & Vision, they are coming thick and fast but at only £9.40 for so much useful information and inspiration a bargain

“These are the lessons I wish I’d learned when I was starting out.” – David duChemin  if David says this then it really means something, he is a world beating photography teacher read what this man says and improve your photography





The Visual Toolbox is packed with lessons about the tools of the photographic language – the camera, the lens, and the more important stuff like visual language, composition, and learning to see. Most of those lessons are accompanied with real-life, honest-to-God assignments to get you out there learning how to make stronger photographs, not just learning to use a camera.
The Visual Toolbox is 201 pages long: a big, gorgeous, PDF eBook, filled from front to back with the stuff that will make you more comfortable with the tools of your craft and more fluent with the language of this art. It’ll take you past images that are sharp and well-exposed, to photographs that are alive and say something.
View the Table of Contents.
Lessons include topics like isolation, scale, balance and tension, abstraction and expressionism, seeing light, understanding visual mass and energy, using negative space, using your lenses more expressively, exploring the effects of perspective on your image, and so much more. Then it’s your turn and if you’re looking for practical hands-on ideas to really solidify this stuff, those are there too.



Check out more about this book here

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