Oxford School of Photography

insights into photography

Daily Archives: January 5, 2012

Photography Courses in Oxford January, February and March 2012

So it is over for another year, you are back at work and thinking about your new camera, or how to do better at photography so maybe you don’t have to always work, you could be a photographer!

Our courses start again this month, the first Understanding Your Digital SLR Camera begins on 11th Jan and there are still places at the moment. When we take bookings for our courses we don’t take payment until a week before the course starts so unless you are aiming at the DSLR starting next wednesday you have time.

Here is a list of all the courses we have scheduled that still have places available, full details here

Understanding Your Digital SLR: start dates: 11.1.12;  30.1.12;  3.3.12;  7.3.12; (Saturday morning) £80

Understanding Your Digital Compact Camera – starts: 27.2.12 £80

Introduction to Photoshop and Photoshop Elements – starts 22.2.12 6 sessions, £97

Composition In Photography – Seeing Pictures – starts 2.2.12 £80

Portrait Photography: – starts: 1.3.12 £80

Intermediate Photography – starts: 24.1.12 6 sessions £97

Black and White Digital Photography – starts 6.3.12 £80

Travel Photography starts spring term

One Day Understanding Your DSLR – 22.1.12;  19.2.12;  25.3.12;  29.4.12  £90

Most courses are 4 sessions one per week, (Photoshop and Intermediate Photography are 6 sessions) all run on consecutive weeks from start dates. 1 Day DSLR is a one day course, there are 4 dates this term

To book a place please send us an email with the course title and start date you wish to attend.