Oxford School of Photography

insights into photography

Daily Archives: January 20, 2012

The Sweet Spot Lens Setting

From the august pages of Lightstalking…….

“In many photographic situations, you are going to want to either open your aperture right up (to minimise depth of field) or close it right down (to maximise depth of field). And while the effects of doing this can be great, the great irony of lens construction is that sharper images are often easier to get with mid range aperture. Here’s what you need to know about the whole scenario and finding the sweet spot.”.…….MORE

©Keith Barnes Thailand 2011

Weekly Roundup of Photography Tutorials, Links and really great stuff

The freezing cold fingers of winter have arrived in the Toads part of the world, but this hasn’t kept him from searching the internet for the best tutorials, photography and interesting blogs to share with everyone.  He was slightly limited due in part to the storm, but is still very happy to share this list with everyone.  We hope that you enjoy seeing the work of these talented artists and photographers as much as the Toad did in bringing them to you via those warm chaps in Oz Lightstalking…..READ all the suggestions and get the links here

Check out the Toad’s photo blog, as well as his extensive gallery of 1750+ images on their Canadian Architecture and Landscape Photography site.

Here is a sample of what Toad has offered up for your delectation


Lancome Mascara and liquid drops – master product photographer Alex Koloskov shares all the tips, tricks and secrets he uses to produce some of the most stunning product based photography I have ever seen in my life.  A time consuming and intricate process, Alex discusses each step of the process with the final result on display to show how it all comes together.  Even if you don’t do this style of photography, this is a truly incredible article that is guaranteed to teach everyone advanced techniques.

The Golden Hour in Photography (Magic Hour) – a brief article that discusses the benefits of shooting during the Golden Hour.  This is a well written piece that is easy to understand by photography enthusiasts of all calibre, well worth the time to visit.

A Do-it-yourself Soft Focus Filter – you have probably never heard of such an idea before, and I have to say it’s GREAT!  Doug Pruden writes and shares a tip and technique for a makeshift filter for your photography activities that really delivers incredible results, even though I was personally a little skeptical when I first encountered the article.  This is the kind of “out of the box” thinking that really can have an impact, well worth the time to read.  A must see post for this week, for sure!

Choosing Night Photography Settings – a comprehensive and complete guide to night photography outlines a series of great tips and tricks.  This well written piece is guaranteed to further most anyones desire to learn and practice this style of photography.


Empire – one of the must-see shots in this weeks list, in this case a picture of the NY city skyline.  Bob Lussier carefully and masterfully captures this scene and processes it in black-and-white to accentuate all the drama.  The cherry on top of the cake is a wonderful reflection of sunlight on the Empire State Building producing a truly stellar photograph.

Moonlighting Moraine Lake – a stunning landscape photograph straight from the studios of Hansrico Photography.  The iconic and beautiful Moraine Lake sits in the Banff National Park in Canada, and Rick really captures it’s stunning beauty producing a truly striking image.

Nice Curves – it seems that Steven Perlmutter shares our deep love of old and classic cars.  In this post he captures and shares 3 truly breathtaking shots of a classic burgundy car, each photo more incredible than the one before it.

Hospital B – Disarray | Carnage! – Mark Blundell and his partner Viveca Koh seem to have a magical ability to find the most incredible subjects to shoot, and in this wonderful set of images we have a great example of such.  A long abandoned room in a hospital produces a striking scene, and Mark and Viveca are ready with their cameras to capture and share a truly stunning image from the location.

Golden Hour Shadows – some images are well worth considerable effort to attain, and in this wonderful landscape photograph from the studio of Rachel Cohen we have one such picture.  The golden light drapes a beautiful landscape and the main tree in the composition really stands out as a wonderful element to enjoy.

©Keith Barnes, Laos 2012