Oxford School of Photography

insights into photography

Daily Archives: January 4, 2012

Filmmakers seeking funds for Don McCullin documentary

Olivier Laurent in the BJP writes that money is needed to help get a documentary on Don McCullin finished, do you have any left after the Christmas splurge?

“I worked for Don as an assistant for many years, and have seen and read just about every interview with him,” says Jacqui Morris. “But I always felt he was holding back, and believed that the discussions he and I had regarding his experiences as a war photographer, and how that shaped his philosophy, were more moving and revealing than those I’d seen reported. With this in mind I asked Don if I could make a film of his life. He readily agreed and has given us unparalleled access to film some extraordinarily candid interviews.”

The resulting film is expected to be released in 2012, but the independent production company, Mugshot Films, needs help to raise the funds necessary to finance the post production process.”..…..MORE